St. Francis Mission Committee Mission Statement
St. Francis Episcopal Church is a worshiping community seeking to live the Baptismal Covenant, which calls us to grow “into the full stature of Christ.” Like our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, our goal is to respond to the needs of the world with compassion and love. One of the ways we attempt to do this is through the activities of the Mission Committee.
As a committee, our objective is to use the resources at our disposal to:
• Support a balance of local, national, and worldwide charities
• Foster charities that create opportunities for St. Francis parishioners to participate
In choosing organizations to fund, we will focus our priorities on charities that work to eliminate hunger and homelessness, to improve education, and to support social justice.
We support organizations such as Wachusett Food Pantry, Rutland Food Pantry, Dismas House, Dismas Farm, Welcome Aldrich Fund, United Thank Offering, Crop Walk, Worcester County Food Bank, Abby’s House, Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance, Centro Las Americas, Heifer International, Episcopal Relief and Development, and the Diocese of Jerusalem.