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Adult Catechumenal program

Each year, in addition to the youth in our parish who are confirmed at the Bishop’s Visit, there are adults who can be either confirmed or received by the Bishop into the Episcopal Church. The details of which group a person falls into have to do with which part of the Body of Christ one is coming from: those who come from “historic” denominations such as the Roman Catholic Church, who were confirmed by a Bishop get “received.” Those who come from Protestant denominations where confirmation is celebrated by the local pastor are “confirmed.” Either way, the preparation is the same. There is a third group as well, and this includes people who were confirmed at a young age in The Episcopal Church who feel they would like to re-commit as adults: these persons can re-affirm their commitment to Christ publicly after a time of preparation. (See pages 418-419 in The Book of Common Prayer) This programs typically runs from February to April each year.  Please contact the church office at or 508-829-3344 for more information.

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