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What's New!

upcoming community activities


Updated: 10/10/2024​




The Financial Stewardship season is Upon Us! An important part of Stewardship is inviting financial pledges from St. Francis members for the coming year. The process of requesting pledges, which typically begins in the fall, is usually known as the Financial Stewardship season. Soon you will be receiving in the mail your invitations to pledge for 2025.  Our budget for all ministries and missions is prepared based on the pledges we receive from you. The use of our treasures is a ministry that is foundational to our faith and to the work of God’s mission. How much you pledge is a deeply personal decision - please prayerfully consider your pledges and return the pledge card as soon as you are able.  Please join us for our First Sunday Conversation on November 3rd at 9:00 AM to learn more about Stewardship and its importance to St. Francis.



Daytime Fellowship (sponsored by Senior Ministry): Please gather together on Thursday, October 17th 10 a.m. to 12 noon in Fellowship Hall for conversation and light refreshments. We will review times planned for 2024-2025 and discuss what you may have as an interest to share as a group activity during our gatherings. If you have ideas, please bring!  We will review past activities (especially Advent Luncheon in December and Group lunch in June). Planned gathering dates (third Thursday of month through June) are posted on Bulletin Board near Kitchen in Fellowship Hall. Any questions: Hope to see you!



The Mustard Seed: The Mustard Seed is serving a second meal on Wednesday October 23rd. We are looking for bakers to complete the meal. If you have never baked before, cookies, brownies, cupcakes or anything you might like to bake would be very much appreciated.



​Join the St. Francis Family for Our Oktoberfest Celebration! We invite you to celebrate with us on Saturday, October 26, 6-8 pm!  Originally, a wedding celebration in Germany over 200 years ago, Oktoberfest at St. Francis has evolved into a joyful gathering of our community during this harvest season. Come share a delightful evening filled with German-inspired dishes (including vegetarian options), refreshing cider, soft drinks, and, of course, a some German-style beer! Children are welcome but please note that adult beverages will be served. Suggested donation is $10 per person and $5 for children. Please sign up in the Narthex by Sunday, October 19.  For any question, please reach out to Dawn Rooke at​​​​



​Save the Date:  Women's Gathering, Saturday, Nov. 16th., 9 a.m. -12:00 p.m.  









FOOD DRIVE: Our October drive will be Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.  This is a Holiday weekend. If you will be away, donations can be brought to the church during office hours and after services.  Thank you for your continuing support of this Ministry.    


WHEN: Food Drives take place the second Saturday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at St. Francis Episcopal Church,

70 Highland St. Holden.  2024 Food Drives will be on October 12th, November 9th and December 14th.


WHERE: Fellowship Hall.  You enter the Hall from the church parking lot.  Donations can also be made any time during the business hours of (1) Sweets & Java and Leominster Credit Union, both on Main St. in Holden; (2) Pinecroft Dairy & Restaurant, 539 Prescot St. West Boylston; (3) Church Office on M&F from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Tues, W & Th. from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 


LIST OF SUGGESTED FOOD DONATIONS can be found by clicking here. These are the foods that best meet the needs of the organizations that we serve. Please note that any donation is accepted and much appreciated.


INFO REGARDING BENEFITTING ORGANIZATIONS:  Info will follow the list of suggested food donations so click where indicated above. Questions contact:  Julie Russell, at



CROP WALK: The Holden Crop Walk is Sunday, October 20. We’ll leave from Immanuel Lutheran Church on Shrewsbury St at 1:30, walk to St Francis, and return to Immanuel Lutheran for soup, bread, and fellowship. Anyone planning to walk please see me after services for sign-up information. If you cannot walk and would like to sponsor a walker or donate, you can see me after services or donate online at If you are able to bake a loaf of  bread or make a batch of soup, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex under the tv or contact Laura Caswell at  Thanks.



OCTOBER FOOD OF THE MONTH:  Canned Vegetables and Fruit.



HOPE FOR HOUSING CARDS:  The October Deadline to purchase cards is this Sunday, October 13th with pick up after services on October 20th. The next deadline is November 3rd.



ONE-TIME VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES:   A Sign-up sheet to help with our extra Mustard Seed meal is on the table in the Narthex under the TV. It is October 23rd.



OCTOBER MISSION MEETING is this Sunday, Oct. 13th after the 10 am service in the library.

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