Worship servers
Our Acolytes include pre-teens, teens, and adults who carry the cross and torches, and assist clergy and other liturgical ministers as needed at the 10:00 a.m. services on Sunday mornings and at special holiday services throughout the year.
Laura Caswell, Acolyte Coordinator
Altar Guild
Members’ duties include preparing the altar for Eucharist services on Saturdays and Sundays, weddings, funerals and other special services. Responsibilities include care of the vessels, linens, and candles used on the altars and the clergy vestments. Members work in teams that alternate throughout the month.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)/Lay Readers
LEMs and Lay Readers are an important part of our worship. They assist with the distribution of communion and read the lessons at the various services. Chalice bearers assist the clergy in the administration of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) at St. Francis. LEMs are required to be licensed by the Diocese, while being a Lay Reader is open to everyone.
Ushers greet worshipers at the door of the sanctuary, hand out our worship bulletins and present the elements for communion. They also help to direct newcomers and visitors to various parts of the building.