In just a few weeks, we will welcome our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, to Worcester county, as he visits us and shares in a time of worship at the Hanover Theater. The following is from the Diocesan office in Springfield: “On October, 21, 2018, Bishop Michael Curry will preach at an Episcopal revival sponsored by the Diocese of WMA. Bishop Curry will preach at a 5pm service to be held at The Hanover Theater. Tickets for the event can be obtained online by visiting the website: “” If you are unable to join the event, it will be shared via LiveStream TV, also available by visiting the website.
What is a revival, you may be wondering? A revival is a gathering that combines inspiring worship, compelling teaching, honest faith-sharing, intensified prayer, and some form of engagement with the mission of God - all for the sake of spiritual renewal and the transformation of people and society. The theme of our revival is: Rekindling Hope, Sharing Light, Loving Jesus.”
Please visit “” for tickets or to find out more about this spirit-filled event!
Date: October 21, 2018
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts
2 Southbridge Street, Worcester, MA 01608
