On this Seventh Sunday of Easter we hear Jesus' heartfelt and intimate prayers to God as he spends his final moments with his disciples before his arrest. His prayer centers on the idea of love and unity, both with God and with others. Jesus prays with the relationship of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in the center of his thoughts; and we will reflect on this idea of love and unity in our Christian life with the same focus on the Trinity - which invites us to imagine life with a unity of spirit and love, yet recognizing our individuality and unique identity as people of God.
Our Scripture passage is found in the Gospel according to John. You may find the Scripture lesson by selecting the following link: (John 17:1-11).
For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):
Read the assigned Scripture lesson for the week. Reflect on any words or phrases that caught your attention. Reflect on the prayers of Jesus - what is he asking for himself, for his followers, and for the actions of God toward others?
Read the "WHAT..." paragraph in the guide below and reflect on what you think it might mean that Jesus' followers are "in the world, yet not part of the world?" How might God strengthen those whom believe and follow the way of Jesus?
Read the "WHERE..." paragraph below and reflect on the following questions: what do you think Jesus is asking for when he asks God to "glorify" him? What do you think of the author's questions and statements: "What is eternal life? It is to 'know' God and Christ. What sort of knowing is this?" Reflect on some thoughts of how we might come to know God better through our prayers and daily living.
Read the "SO WHAT..." paragraph below and reflect on the author's statement that describes how we might be in relationship with others: "We might imagine our oneness in Christ as the Trinity is one - surely it does not mean we must be identical in thought and practice, any more than the persons of the Trinity are in their dynamic interdependence." How can we be both individuals yet unified with others?