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Living Gift Market




The Heifer Living Gift Market has been a part of St. Francis for many years as evidenced by the framed certificates in various places throughout the building. The Market had to be discontinued due to COVID, but it has come back as an annual event, part of Palm Sunday.  The 3rd annual Gift Market took place on Sunday, March 24th. Parishioners were able to enjoy two sheep brought in by Dale Perkins and Ann Tripp, and take home bags of animal crackers. Mission Ministries sponsored the coffee hour.

Heifer International is a non-profit corporation which educates the poor in how to make a sustainable living by giving them the tools to get started. Their work spans 19 countries including the U.S. By purchasing a share or shares of an animal, (e.g. a sheep costs $120; a share is $10), water, seeds or just making a donation, you help these people to achieve their dream of being able to support their families and send their children to school.


It is not too late to donate. Contact Marge Tremblay or Julie Russell for donation instructions. All donations through June 2024 will be matched by community donors. We thank you for your generosity.


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights….” James 1:17


Submitted by Julie Russell, Mission Ministries

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