On this coming Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, we will hear Jesus tell a parable story of a widow seeking justice from an unjust judge. Her persistence in seeking her cause was held up by Jesus as an example of how his followers should constantly seek relationship with God, who is always just and merciful. We will explore the topic of "persistent prayer" and reflect how regular prayer brings us into relationship with God and shapes our lives in Christ.
Our Scripture passage is found in the Gospel according to Luke. You may find the Scripture lesson by selecting the following link: (Luke 18:1-8).
For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):
Read the assigned Scripture passage for this week. Jesus tells his followers to "pray always and not lose heart." As you listen to the lesson and reflect on what Jesus' followers were experiencing, why do you think they might lose heart? How we might also lose heart, and how does prayer help us?
Read the "WHAT..." paragraph in the guide below and reflect on the following question: what would your reaction have been to Jesus' story of the widow and her persistence; how does her faithfulness give you hope and courage in your life?
Read the "WHERE..." paragraph below, and reflect on the many words of advice Jesus is sharing with his followers (prayer, persistence, courage, hope, etc.) and consider what might be the most important message from Jesus in your life.
Read the "SO WHAT..." paragraph below and reflect on the author's words that prayer is not always immediately answered in ways we might imagine - reflect on these questions: what is the function of prayer? How does persistence in prayer relate to working for justice and peace?
Read the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph below and reflect on the love and grace from God we receive, but do not recognize immediately.