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Writer's picturerector77

Sunday Scripture Reflection: Luke 1:26-38

Updated: Dec 26, 2020

On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, we hear the angel Gabriel, announcing to Mary the invitation of God, for her to become the mother of the Christ-child. We will explore how God invites each of us into our own "vocation" and what that means; and reflect on how God gives us courage to follow where we are called to go.

Our Scripture passage is found in the Gospel according to Luke. You may find the Scripture lesson by selecting the following link: (Luke 1:26-38).

For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):

  • After reading the Scripture story of the angel Gabriel and Mary - what surprises you about this story?

  • Different faith traditions have different understandings of Mary, and sometimes focus on different aspects of her life and character (i.e. her purity, her "special place" in God's plan, or her life of poverty, her "ordinary" character, etc.): how was Mary more like us...or more unlike us?

  • After reading the "WHERE..." paragraph below, reflect and answer the question: what options did Mary have to the angel Gabriel's question of giving birth to the Messiah?

  • After reading the "SO WHAT..." paragraph, consider how Gabriel's words might offer support, comfort, and courage for people who are facing overwhelming expectations in their life.

  • After reading the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph below, reflect on what the author means when she writes, "Luke tells us that not only is redemption possible; it has already happened."Specifically, how is the birth of the Christ child, and the idea that "nothing is impossible with God," point to the idea that redemption has already happened in our world?

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