On this Last Sunday after Pentecost, we will reflect on one of Jesus' final teachings to his followers. In the final moments before Jesus' arrest, he outlines the judgment of those who followed the will of God and those who separated themselves from God's will and served their own purposes. A difficult lesson to hear, and a challenging lesson to incorporate into Jesus' previous teachings regarding God's forgiveness. We will explore the text and the lessons it holds for our lives, especially as we approach the season of Advent.
Our Scripture passage is found in the Gospel according to Matthew. The Scripture passage may be found by following this link: (Matthew 25:31-46).
For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):
As you reflect on the following questions and statements below, consider that this teaching from Jesus is among his last opportunities to teach his followers. What lessons would you teach for your final "Bible Study?"
After reading the "WHAT..." paragraph in the study guide, reflect on how the lesson from this Scripture reading is closely linked with Matthew, Chapter 5 (Sermon on the Mount) - how are you called to provide "shepherding care" to others?
After reading the "WHERE..." paragraph in the study guide, reflect on the author's idea that each of us is both good/bad and sheep/goat. How is this idea either congruent or in conflict with the idea that some are sheep and some are goats? Does the author's idea change the lesson of the Scripture for you?
As you reflect on the description of people in the Scripture lesson (as either sheep or goat), how can you resolve the idea that we are "saved by God's grace alone" and the characterization of people as "sheep or goat" based on their actions?
After reading the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph in the study guide - what do you think about the point in the story that neither the righteous ones or the unrighteous ones recognized God in their daily lives? What does this say about how we encounter God in the world?