On this Third Sunday in Lent we reflect on the troubled people of God, anguished from thirst in a dry land and wondering where their God might be in the midst of their difficulties. This Scripture lesson is an interesting lesson in human emotion because the people are experiencing many challenges, even as they flee from their great suffering in Egypt. I believe many of us can similarly experience challenge upon challenge, difficulty upon difficulty in our lives as well; and how do we cry out to our God who is always faithful and loving, yet sometimes beyond our ability to see with open eyes and hearts?
Our Scripture passage is found in the Book of Exodus. You may find the Scripture lesson by selecting the following link: (Exodus 17:1-7).
For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):
Read the Scripture assigned for this week and reflect on the following questions: Why are the Israelites complaining, and do you think their complaint is justified; if you were part of the group, do you think you would be joining in their concerns? What is Moses' complaint, and what are your thoughts about his conversation with God? What word or phrase caught your attention as you read this story?
Read the "WHAT..." paragraph in the guide below and reflect on the author's statement that describes "how hard it is to leave behind an oppression that one has internalized." Do you have any moments in your life that you find difficult to "leave behind" or you feel might influence how you "see the world." Do you know anyone who grew up during the time of the Great Depression, and has that shaped their thinking about their life, especially financial savings, food scarcity, and other things that the Depression made more severe?
Read the "WHERE..." paragraph below and reflect on the author's idea of "trust building." Are you someone that takes a long time to trust people, and only after a long period of time and experience; or do you trust everyone you meet right away until there is a reason to remove your trust? What do you think are important things in people's relationships to have trust?
Read the "SO WHAT..." paragraph below and reflect on the idea of leadership. Do you agree with the author's statement, "Fruitful church leadership requires one to have the ability to follow." If you agree, and why and what types of ways can leaders follow others to help them lead. Or, if you don't agree, why do you thinking leading and following are not necessarily connected?
Read the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph below and consider the author's final sentence: how might we discern whether people are justified in their complaints or if they are simply grumbling because they want more than what they have been offered?
