On this Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, we will read from the Gospel according to Luke. Our lesson is a continuation of last week's Scripture passage of Jesus teaching on the plain, giving the crowd the list of blessings and woes. Now Jesus has challenged his followers even more - proclaiming love for everyone, even those who treat others without love themselves. This is a challenging lesson, and one that needs to be put into context to be sure we understand that it is God's love and grace that transforms the world, even as we resist.
Our Scripture passage is found in the Gospel according to Luke. You may find the Scripture lesson by selecting the following link: (Luke 6:27-38).
For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):
Read the Scripture lesson assigned for the week from the Gospel according to Luke. After reading the lesson, reflect if there are any words or phrases that had particular meaning for you, or made an impression as you read the Scripture.
Read the "WHAT..." paragraph in the guide below, and reflect on the author's statement about the message from Luke's Gospel account that "enemies, thieves, and beggars are blessed as well as anyone else." Why might these be challenging words for many people to hear?
After reading the "WHERE..." paragraph below, reflect on the "context" of Jesus' words...that his message relies on people understanding the idea of discipleship: "when the disciple understands his actions as flowing out of God's abundance..." Does the context of discipleship change the meaning or the impact of Jesus' message for you?
Read the "SO WHAT..." paragraph below, and reflect on the thought from the author's last sentence: "Be merciful just as God is merciful." What does it mean to be merciful even to the ones that do not seek our good?
Read the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph below, and reflect on the author's statement: "Grace transforms us, even as we resist." Do you think people can be transformed by the love and grace of God, even as they resist or try to live their lives in ways that are counter to God, or in a way that they make no room for God's presence?