On this Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, we hear the Apostle Paul, writing to his friends in Philippi. Paul has been imprisoned and is telling his story of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and the great work that has been done for God's people, in Christ's name. All of this good news comes in the midst of some very difficult and dark times. We will explore how we can remain hopeful in the promise of the Risen Christ, even during difficult times, and perhaps, especially during difficult times!
Our Scripture passage is found in the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians. The Scripture passage may be found by following this link: (Philippians 1:21-30).
For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):
After reading the Scripture lesson from Philippians, reflect on Paul's struggles and consider how that may impact his life of faith.
After reading the "WHAT..." paragraph below, reflect on the idea of a "dualistic world"...one of good vs. evil, one of "God's friends vs. God's enemies." What might be the challenges to thinking this way; and how might someone who lives this way fall into a trap of judging people to determine who is "good" and who is "bad?"
After reading the "WHERE is God..." paragraph below, consider - what does it mean to you to "live in Christ?" and how might that approach change one's outlook?
After reading the "SO WHAT..." paragraph below, reflect on the idea of finding hope and meaning in a broken world, and especially in a world filled with so much sorrow.
After reading the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph, reflect on how trust in God, as Paul trusts in God, can lead one to a "firm belief in the next world, which gives us strength and confidence for this world."